The danger of delaying the inevitable
We have recently come across a number of cases where clients put off doing what had to be done. It could be reporting the estate of a deceased person or perhaps getting legal advice timeously. These delays unfortunately can cause unforeseen obstacles and will almost certainly end up costing more than would have been the case, if the matter had not been delayed.
Often the children of a deceased parent wait many years before reporting an estate. By the time the estate is reported the surviving spouse has also passed away and perhaps some of the beneficiaries of the deceased have also passed away. This complicated the finalisation of their estates.
On other occasions, we are approached by desperate clients who wish to avoid having a property repossessed. Had they come to us when they received their first notice from the bank we might have been able to negotiate with the bank, but often the bank already obtained a judgment against them, by the time they come to us. A judgment in turn has severe consequences for the credit record of the client.
The golden rule is, seek legal advice sooner rather than later to avoid incurring additional costs and heartache.
Come speak to us, and we will try to work out a payment plan to best suit your needs and provide you the necessary legal assistance.